Talk to everyone, predict anything

Masspredict helps teams make better decisions with the world’s fastest tool for collective intelligence.

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Make better decisions with the world’s fastest tool for predictive surveys.

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Make better decisions with the world’s fastest tool for predictive surveys.

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Make better decisions with the world’s fastest tool for predictive surveys.


One-click access to any audience through integrated panels, multi-lingual support, and seamless sharing, giving results in a matter of hours.


Deep, conversational data combining qual + quant by soliciting reasons, up-voting good responses and posing automatic follow-ups for each participant.


High accuracy even in small samples through our proprietary prediction markets.


how research
will develop


what people will feel or think


when future
will arrive

ask anything

Real-time analysis

Track trends in responses over time. Since trends are linked to representative reasons offered by participants, you will see how conversations develop in real-time and why.

Message testing

Track conversations across different audiences for detailed and seamlessly scalable A/B tests of different messages.

Flexible formats

Ask anything: binary questions (yes/no), questions about multiple scenarios, or questions about specific numbers.

binary questions

multiple scenarios

specific numbers

masspredict by you

Ask anything. It's free.